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A new moon is a lunar phase that occurs when the moon is positioned between the Earth and the sun, with the illuminated side of the moon facing away from Earth. This makes the moon appear dark to observers on Earth, as only the moon's dark side is visible. 

The new moon is the start of the lunar cycle and is a time for new beginnings, and starting over. 

It's a time to take what you've learnt from going inwards during the dark moon, which happens in the days leading up to the new moon, and use that knowledge to visualise what you want.

The new moon is a time to get clarity and turn that into a vision and plan for how to get it. 

A full moon is a lunar phase when the moon appears as a full circle in the sky, as the sun's rays illuminate the entire side of the moon facing Earth.

The full moon is the peak time of energy in a month, and is the halfway point of the lunar cycle. It is a time for completion, and letting go.

It can be an illuminating time when the moon's light shines so you can see everything you've learnt since the beginning of the lunar cycle. 

It can be a time to celebrate a goal you've reached since the new moon, or see clearly what has stopped you from achieving it and set you back on the right path. Use this energy to let go of whatever is holding you back.

It can be an emotional time with the moon pulling emotions to the surface. 


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